Friday, May 20, 2016

Kindle Scout campaign: Ability

My blogging hiatus has resulted in my latest novel, Ability!  The tenth book in the To Be Sinclair series (one was Book 6.5), Ability features Princess Brielle Sinclair, the first woman to qualify for the all-male Service of Sinclair Demesnes.  Here is the blurb I wrote for the Kindle Scout campaign:

A princess battles an odd threat to her ship
The first female in the Demesnes' Service, Princess Brielle Sinclair proves she can handle it all -- her duties, the hazing, her surly bunkmate. Yet when she discovers an old classmate holding down a deep cover on a troubled planet, she faces a nightmare of epic proportions that no one else understands -- except Zak! 
Brielle is glad to have found him, but now her ship is in danger. Can she preserve her reputation and master her unusual innate talents while combating this mysterious threat?
Length:  112,600 words.
You have 30 days to 'nominate' a book, and you can have 3 nominations at once.  Once that book's campaign finishes, it opens up another nomination you can make.
I've read that Kindle Publishing doesn't necessarily offer contracts based on the nominations, but I'm sure they are a good indicator.  The terms of the Kindle contract are pretty good:  five years, a decent advance, clauses for if the book doesn't sell very well.  Regardless, I'll be publishing Ability this summer!
I was disappointed that the initial excerpt is only 5,000 words, though.  That isn't even halfway through the first chapter for me!  I spend a good deal of time with world-building just so when I eventually mention 'pre-emps' or an EVA suit's O2 valve blowing, you'll be able to imagine it instantly and integrate that image with the action.
Enjoy the campaign!  And all the usual:  share with your sci fi friends and relatives, tweet it, etc.  Here's the link:
And thank you for your support!  It's been a long, hectic time since I've had a chance to blog.  I'm hoping to find what passes for 'normalcy' soon!