Saturday, October 14, 2017

As He Stood Grinning: A Vision of World War III

I wasn’t planning on waking up at 2 a.m. to tell you of my nightmare, but I’ve been a ‘believer’ in prophecy for many years, and one thing I’ve felt was true was that, if you announce a prophecy, it will almost inevitably NOT come true, so here we are.

I saw a leader in a huge political meeting in a chamber, and I won’t get into that any further for obvious reasons.  This leader had decided he would use this opportunity to drop a figurative ‘bombshell’, a unilateral decision that would enrage almost everyone present, even people in his own party.  As the shouting began, he gave a cue, and military-style people swept into the chamber and pointed their guns at the protestors.  He grinned and said something like, “Now that I have your attention.…”

The stunning part of the dream was the unexpected swiftness of how everything devolved.  He had everything planned out: threaten to round up his ‘enemies’, and while they stood in fear and shock, he would rally his ‘supporters’ to do what he wanted.  But over half of his supporters weren’t prepared to ideologically abandon their principles, and certainly not at the drop of a hat, so the shouting began anew as the crowd grew rabid against the man, despite the guns aimed their way.

It was obvious they expected reason to take the upper hand.  It was even reasonable to assume the men with guns (I hesitate to call them soldiers) wouldn’t open fire or commit slaughter, due to the horrific shame and vengeance that would pursue them.  But the shouting scared the ‘leader’, so when the crowd surged toward him, he gave a signal….

Blood, everywhere.  Horror at the epic slaughter, cameras running and the man rushed away by his gun-holders, never to be seen in person again.  I distinctly remember seeing two of the leader’s staunchest supporters wiping blood off their faces, in shock as they realized they DIDN’T SIGN UP for this, that their political idealism, their cronyism, was a convenience and a boon in stable times, but that their ‘leader’ had just set them up to take the fall for the horrors to come.  They felt such deep shame that they discussed committing suicide, right there amongst their fallen comrades, with cameras running.

By ‘unexpected swiftness’, I’m also referring to the planning in the background that enabled the bloody sweeping that followed.  Within HOURS, millions of people were arrested for vague charges, and anyone who protested was shot.  The intent was to scare people, at first: shoot at the least sign of protest, and everyone will let you get away with it.  But the shooters soon realized if they were in for a dime, they were in for a dollar, and they were already compromised, so they might as well DO THEIR DUTY to earn someone’s approval and a paycheck….

Cities were blockaded to try to control the populace and became slaughterhouses.  People in the countryside couldn’t get word from their friends and relatives in the city, and barely any news, so they shook with fear and pity and remorse and rage, wondering if they were guilty for having voted in such an unstable ‘leader’.  At their gatherings with their neighbors, they discussed how to handle troops that might be coming for them, never realizing those troops would be foreign soldiers….

Do you really think the entire world hasn’t been noticing what’s been happening and PREPARING FOR WAR?  By ‘unexpected swiftness’, I mean, the country will be invaded within DAYS, less than a week if my nightmare is true.  And, frankly, so-called ‘allies’ will turn their faces away, saying, “They DID IT TO THEMSELVES….”  And it’ll be the only way THEY will survive, because every neighboring nation with a grudge will decide now’s the time to get back at so-and-so, while everyone else in the world is aghast at what’s happening while the cameras roll.

But the confusion of who is attacking whom and for what reasons will lead almost every nation into a killing spree, bent on revenge for their real and perceived slights.  The end of my vision was me watching television with my husband, and hearing about worldwide death tolls, when a knock comes upon our door.  I look at him and say, “Don’t comply with anything, because you’re better off dead than compromised,” just before the men with guns burst in to try to herd us to a slave-labor camp.

I judge the time from the Death Chamber to World War III to take about a week, max.  I feel they came for me and hubby within about a month.  If nuclear weapons are going to fall, I think it’ll come after that month, because I had no dream-impression of them.

The ‘best bet’ for survival will be the usual: keep your head down if you can, pray for peace and common sense to prevail, and beg God for forgiveness for having enabled a maniac to hold enough power to kill all your friends and relatives while you cower and hope for just one more day of your miserable existence.  Don’t bother begging your dead friends and relatives for forgiveness, though; they’re in a better place, laughing their butts off while watching you writhe, tortured by your own bad choices. 

In this nightmare-of-a-war-to-come, you WILL be better off dead.  So you might as well stand up now for what is good, LIFE, and reject any political person, party, or decision that leads to death.  That’s the only way I feel we have to avoid World War III: find a place within yourself that works for peace, and love and light and life, and reject any solution that leads to pain, illness, suffering, and death.  It’s the only way to save your soul, to be true to the principle of Life. 

Dare to redesign your life, one decision at a time, to reflect your new integrity.  It’s the only way to LIVE.
