Coming home from
work, he was not high, but he had a small amount of marijuana in his
possession. Despite not being read his Miranda
rights, he was arrested. Since he had
been raised by loving parents who never assumed he would get in trouble, he did
not know to hire or ask for an attorney.
Those loving parents, who also raised him to be honest, cringed to
discover he also pleaded guilty. Thus
doth ignorance make victims of us all.
Now he is a
felon. A mellow, benevolent, average boy-next-door
felon sentenced for a crime that harmed no one.
What will his life be like in prison? We’ve seen movies; we know, regardless of our
desperate intent to ignore prison culture.
When he gets out,
what will his life be like, then? Will
he still be the beautiful soul ready to help out the needy with a smile on his
face and his usual sweet refrain, Pay it
Forward, Bro? Or will he be hardened
never to trust another soul, habituated to swapping favors because he has been
trained in the ultimate school-of-hard-knocks to think ‘no one ever does anything out of the goodness
of their heart, they always want something out of you’? Will the physical traumas he undoubtedly
garners in prison scar him soul-deep, to become a perpetrator of violence for
the rest of his life?
He worked as a
pizza delivery driver, pleasant to all, trustworthy, trying to make ends meet
working a dead-end job, for he had barely earned his GED. He is now in jail, a failure by everyone’s standards. He failed civics twice in high school, he
failed to get a lawyer because he could not afford one, he failed to know his
Miranda rights to realize he needed a lawyer in the first place, and he failed
to understand the Fifth Amendment. He
failed to comprehend that those policemen were not heroes protecting the public
interest, that they were instead biological robots earning their own meager
paychecks by enforcing ridiculous laws first enacted in 1937 by corporate
special interests which to this day fight hemp and marijuana legalization
against the vast majority of public opinion.
What special
corporate interests perpetrate this outrage?
At a minimum, pharmaceutical companies and private prisons, but undoubtedly
other industrial manufacturers of many products such as oil, fabric, and paper,
as well as the federal government.
The federal
government, you say? You can find their
patent for cannabinoids here:
The United
States of America as represented by the Department of Health and Human
Private prisons,
you say? This page estimates how many
people are in FOR-PROFIT private prisons for drug offenses:
This graphic shows
the increase in drug offenders between 1980 and 2010:
URL source:
companies, you say? They do not want
marijuana legalized because it is a natural remedy. The TITLE of Patent 6,630,507, dated October
7, 2003, as owned by the U. S. government’s own Department of Health and Human
Services, is “Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants”.
How many people
would welcome cheap, abundant antioxidants and neuroprotectants in their lives
at this very moment? Does the government
criminalize marijuana because it does not want happy, healthy, neuroprotected
citizens? Does the greed of pharmaceutical
companies and for-profit private prisons contribute to the maintenance of this
outrageous law, the criminalization of marijuana and hemp? Do rhetorical questions piss you off because
they state facts and are not really questions, because they describe bitter,
cynical offenses to your soul, or both?
The sheer idiocy of
the criminalization of marijuana has been as much a clusterf*ck of ignorant,
well-intentioned people as it has been the greedy and paranoid mentality of
corporate interests. One person put
cannabis as a poison on a state list in 1905, and the rest of the states jumped
on the bandwagon. It did not even
require the brainwashing of the masses, reminding me horribly of slavery laws
where many good, well-intentioned people simply relied upon the government to
make their decisions for them. There has been plenty of brainwashing,
however. Wikipedia’s entry, “Legal
history of cannabis in the United States” specifically mentions the
demonization of marijuana via the ‘yellow journalism’ of William Randolph
Hearst, ostensibly to protect his income generated by vast tracts of forests in
his possession.
The true crime is
the wholesale demonization of a FIVE THOUSAND YEAR-OLD NATURAL REMEDY for
devastating diseases such as cancer, HIV, Alzheimer’s, RA, MS, epilepsy, chronic
pain like fibromyalgia, and a host of other health problems like diabetes,
glaucoma, autism, PTSD, and depression. Putting
sick people in jail because they are trying to get well is one of the most
heinous crimes I can imagine, up there with vivisection and genocide. Since cannabis also provides food, clothing,
construction materials, industrial and hygiene/beauty products, and can be
grown on minimal land with virtually no cultivation while also controlling
erosion and suppressing weeds, we could all profit by reinstating it as a
viable industrial alternative to imported products and grotesquely expensive
medications with more side effects than benefits.
What is the value
of cannabis now, besides its mere street value?
Consider how much money in the so-called ‘War on Drugs’ has been spent
on marijuana alone. Delete that money
from the budget of every country, state, and city, including apprehension,
court costs, and prison housing.
Where would we find
the real wealth of cannabis? King James
I ordered colonists to grow 100 cannabis plants each for export. Our founding fathers wrote drafts of the
Constitution on cheap, durable hemp paper, and George Washington, Thomas
Jefferson, and John Adams advocated its use. And otherwise, the 1937 Marijuana Tax Act was
written to tax the medical and industrial uses of cannabis.
That vast potential
alone demonstrates our current politicians have no clue whatsoever how to build
a sustainable economy that generates true income! They plod along under unjustified precedents and
outmoded moral codes because they fear the average, everyday person might enjoy
the wealth of a few home-grown cannabis products. Yet look at how few people grow food in their
own gardens! The potential industrial
production overwhelmingly outweighs any local production by several orders of
Politicians, here’s a clue. Enormous farms and factories producing a
plethora of cannabis products? Tax
them. Happy people who can now work
despite their illnesses? Tax them. Industrially-produced and controlled
smokes? Tax them. More cured people than dying people dependent
upon outrageously expensive medical treatments that kill them faster than if
they died naturally at home? Tax
them. Formerly-disabled people now back
in the work force and no longer dependent on Social Security or Medicare? Tax them.
We all understand taxes; we do not understand a legal
system that criminalizes a natural product with so many benefits.
What is the
definition of criminal, anyway? From
Main Entry:
criminal [krim-uh-nl]
Part of Speech:
lawless, felonious
bent, caught,
corrupt, crooked, culpable, deplorable, dirty, heavy, hung up, illegal,
illegitimate, illicit, immoral, indictable, iniquitous, nefarious, off base,
out of line, peccant, racket, scandalous, senseless, shady, smoking gun,
unlawful, unrighteous, vicious, villainous, wicked, wildcat, wrong
Tell me, with the
exception of breaking a ridiculous law, how many of those adjectives accurately
refer to a working-class man or woman coming home from work to relax with a
joint, giggling over TV shows while eating brownies for dessert? Marijuana users don’t need other drugs, so it’s
not a gateway drug. They are not
addicts, so they do not perform acts of desperation to get huge sums of money
to afford a habit. At the worst, a
modern marijuana user hopes to relax from the stresses of their workday. A natural remedy, to be sure, as much as
using honey or garlic, both of which can be produced locally. If cannabis were easily available and
controlled as much as alcohol, which IS an actual poison that is much more
dangerous and can also be produced at home, why would the cannabis user need to
break any other crime whatsoever?
A young man as
described above, barely 20 years old, can now look to one of these futures:
either he is victimized by an archaic, hypocritical, and fact-rejecting
government’s criminal justice system, or he productively works his way through
the day, paying taxes left and right, yet knowing he can enjoy a little smoke
to relax at night. Citizens of the
United States of America, WHICH DO YOU PREFER?
Eva Caye
P. S. I predict the first presidential candidate
who promises to legalize marijuana will be voted in by a landslide.
A simple online search will provide you with thousands of documents. Please, do your research!
Update: shows over 300,000 people in various prisons for drug violations (237,000 state, 94,600 federal, 4,986 drugs). About 336,600 people who are trying their best to medicate themselves; although some of the drugs are undoubtedly dangerous, how many are 'just' marijuana?
Update: shows over 300,000 people in various prisons for drug violations (237,000 state, 94,600 federal, 4,986 drugs). About 336,600 people who are trying their best to medicate themselves; although some of the drugs are undoubtedly dangerous, how many are 'just' marijuana?
Eva, Obama promised that he'd leave medical marijuana alone and we all know how that turned out. Promises are worth nothing from politicians...only results!
Too true. Yet, you would think if one outright promises full and complete legalization, and 87% of the voters vote him/her in, s/he would feel compelled to pursue it.
I've often said, "Yes, I'm a dreamer, but if someone doesn't dream it, it will never come true!" I want the dream to become a reality someday. I don't smoke it, and I do think it should fall under the same laws as alcohol (over 21 in the U.S., no driving while intoxicated), but otherwise the rights of respectful, productive citizens to put whatever they want into their bodies should be inviolate.
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